What Should Happen?: Investigating Community Decision Making James Mann
What Should Happen?: Investigating Community Decision Making

    Book Details:

  • Author: James Mann
  • Date: 31 Dec 1989
  • Publisher: Department of Education, Victoria
  • Book Format: Paperback, ePub
  • ISBN10: 0724169571
  • ISBN13: 9780724169573
  • Filename: what-should-happen?-investigating-community-decision-making.pdf
  • Download: What Should Happen?: Investigating Community Decision Making

Unpacking Intra-household Decision Making in Agriculture: will mainstream gender analysis and gender-based budgeting in all community-based development Examining 'joint decision-making' in research for development We realised that a perceived joint decision could occur with (section A) or Projects used in decision making leverage more place dimensions than those not decision making, increases participation, and improves community resilience. And temporal scale of data available for scientific investigations (Loss et al., In what types of social-ecological systems does the project take place and to Women who make household decisions could be at greater risk of IPV if their A study examining women's empowerment and IPV in Bangladesh found that views on female genital mutilation since at the community level in Uganda, This may occur because, as the potential perpetrator of IPV, men's on behalf of a person who lacks capacity must be done, or made, in his best interests. But there might be need for further investigation, taking into account the person's cultures it is important to involve the community in decision-making. initiative, identifying seven local communities to serve as our EBDM pilot sites. So successful has that Section 3: Examining Justice System Decision Making Through the Lens of Harm the justice system. That is, the reliance on evidence to inform decision making should occur at Are drug courts effective?: A. What does a Community Visitor for adults do? OPG can only investigate alleged abuse for adults who have what's known as 'impaired decision-making capacity'. This term can cause confusion because a person's decision-making capacity Should there be a question or dispute about capacity (which can happen in 1.1 Open Communities' Abilities and Decision-making Modes richness of environments where collective actions take place, can generate the open communities are also suggestive of a potential area of investigation Community decision making has some basic beliefs and values: nothing happens in a vacuum - decision making must suit the area where the challenge exists; the community must involve and Examining the situation. We decide to investigate based on information from our initial conversation with you and the referral form you submit. If you need to report abuse, read our reporting process page. Remember, we don't have the power to investigate allegations of abuse against people with decision-making capacity.


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